G-V7LQLLJ7YV Omicron Variant | Bexleyheath Osteopathic Practice

Omicron Variant

At the Bexleyheath Osteopathic Practice we are continuing to use full PPE and requesting that patients continue to wear masks. 

Last week the guidelines for healthcare settings were relaxed by Public Health England, however due the recent discovery of the Omicron variant, our osteopaths in Bexleyheath are continuing to wear masks, aprons and gloves. We are also regularly airing the practice to reduce any viral load, and wiping down the plinth in between each patient. The waiting room remains out of action, sorry.

Thank you for understanding and bringing a mask when you visit, we really want to play our part keeping Bexleyheath and Welling residents as safe as possible, in order that we can all, hopefully, enjoy Christmas 2021!!

Please call us at the Bexleyheath Osteopathic Practice on 02082987122 if you need to book an appointment with an osteopath.

© Bexleyheath Ostepathic Practice 2013